Simple mobile conference calling with groupCall

With groupCall you can talk to up to four people (on mobiles or landlines) at once in a mobile conference call. It's great for talking to your whole family or team. There's no cost to activate it, you simply pay for each call at your standard plan rate for that call.

To add groupCall, call us on 777 or visit one of our retail stores.

Please note: You will need to have the Call Wait service  enabled.

groupCall pricing

There's no cost to activate groupCall on your mobile, you simply pay for the individual calls at your standard plan rate. Each person you add to your groupCall is treated as a separate call, and is charged at your standard plan rate per minute. groupCall is available when roaming internationally. Standard roaming charges will apply.

For example:

  • Number A calls Number B (an NZ on-net number).
  • Number A calls Number C (an Australian landline), creating a groupCall.
  • Call A to B is charged at the NZ on-net rate.
  • Call A to C is charged at the $2 for 60 promotional rate.

  • Call the first person, then put them on hold using Call Wait
  • Call the next person, then put them on hold using Call Wait
  • Keep going until you have a maximum of four people
  • Press the Link or Join option
  • Hang up when you're finished - all callers are immediately disconnected.

Things to know

  • Only the person who starts a groupCall can add people to the call
  • You can call any mobile or landline to add to your groupCall discussion
  • The other people can simply hang up to leave the discussion
  • If you started the groupCall and you hang up, everyone's calls end.
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